One of the most obvious changes Apple iOS 7 is the total change in the spirit of the design, with Jony Ive leads the Cupertino company to a plane, free skeuo environment. It is fair to say that the evaluation for John Gruber's WWDC interface, which is polarized, which has rung, but what the consensus is clinging appearance of Apple. Although Android is not going to see a radical change in the short term - at least, not from what we heard - can obtain the new Apple user interface by means of a small sample that runs from the Google mobile operating system application called iOS 7 Calci, offering an acceptable emulation new Apple application calculator.

Now, of course, some may download and install a debt iOS application 7 to see as a kind of blasphemy, and seen how hard people look like their favorite ecosystems defend undoubtedly some Droidsters out there willing to give this application a second look . But what iOS 7 Calci not offer, besides the obvious, is a clean and open interface that also works well in the landscape, often not even praised the calculator applications more.

With relatively strong functionality and most of the buttons you would expect from a scientific calculator, it does its job well, and a back button on the list in case you make a mistake, offers everything you could want in this type of application.

However, no support bracket, and a number of advanced options are currently lacking, but if the developer comes through these improvements, iOS 7 Calci also become one of the best applications available for Android calculator.

It costs 99 cents more on Google Play Store, and is compatible with both smartphones and Android tablets. Note requires Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 or higher, so make sure your computer meets all the requirements before parting with your money.

If you get a chance to iOS 7 Calci you need to give through the usual channels below! Your opinions and feedback

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