Recently, during the trip, I realized that there is a way to tie my smartphone to my laptop was purchased WiFi should be. I mean, who wants to pay for two separate connections devices? So I searched and found Virtual Router Manager v0.9 beta. I was skeptical, but I discovered that this is exactly what I was looking for.

Virtual Router Manager essentially shares your WiFi connection in one network identifier SSID you specify. Choose travel system, as it is easily recognizable on my phone. If you choose the free WiFi connection in the parts drop-down menu, click Start Virtual Router.

Make sure you use this as an administrator in Windows 7 and enter a password of at least 8 characters. This utility provides wireless security with WPA2 encryption, so you can be sure that your data is safe. I happen to use Windows Phone 7, but just for fun, I asked a friend to try it with your iPhone and worked too. Then I try to build a partner with Dell Wi-Fi and it worked.

5 simple steps:

1)Download the utility of VR.

2)Type the name of your network.
3)Enter a password of at least 8 characters.
4)Select a shared connection and start the virtual path.
5)Connect your phone or other Wi-Fi.

So the next time you travel, go to your WiFi device, follow these simple steps, and connect to the network you select and enter your password. Follow You see the devices and their assigned IP addresses. You will see that everyone can use without having to pay twice. Same personal or business WiFi


Which WiFi  devices are supported?

The support device depends on you having a driver installed that is certified for Windows 7 or Windows 8. As part of the requirement for a wireless controller "Certified for Windows 7" or "Certified for Windows 8" should support what we know, the WiFi and Wireless Networking Hosted Virtual Windows 7.

Unfortunately, in connection with the use of Virtual Router, each director who is "Certified for Windows Vista" function in Windows 7 or 8, the WiFi but it will not support the virtual Wifi and Wireless Hosted Network.

You can see a list of devices here: Supported Devices

Virtual Router will not start after installation

There are some cases where the Virtual Router is unable to boot. Immediately after installation First make sure you have the latest drivers installed by the manufacturer of your device Wi-Fi, if it still does not work, you should try to restart / reboot the machine if you hav already done.

Error: "group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation"

Here is a review of Microsoft for a common cause of this problem in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2:

If the hotfix does not work, or if you are not using Windows 7 or 2008 R2, you can try some of the suggestions in the following link:

How do I know if my computer / hardware supports Virtual Router?

First, you need a Wi-Fi device and driver support both the Windows Virtual Wifi and Wireless Hosted Network. Drivers who are certified for Windows 7 or Windows 8 will work.

You can get a list of known compatible devices, see here: Supported Devices

I can? Use the virtual router with Windows Vista or Windows XP?

Unfortunately, Virtual Router in Windows Vista or Windows XP or an earlier version of Windows. Virtual Router is compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8 as the Virtual Wifi and Wireless Hosted Network features are new in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

What about Windows 7 Starter Edition?

Unfortunately, Microsoft Virtual WiFi features in Windows 7 Starter Edition Disabled Virtual Router will not work. This is the only version of Windows 7, the software does not work with.

Is the connection encrypted? How safe is it?

The wireless connection is encrypted with WPA2. Encryption is also required to turn it off. No method Securing your "Virtual Router" depends on the strength of the password / passphrase.

How to Change Device (Online Peer) Icon

  1. You can open two ways Device dialog box "Properties":
  2. Double-click the device / Connected Peer
  3. To the right of the device / Peer connected and select "Properties ..."

Then click on "Change Icon ..." Button and select the desired icon and click "Save".

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