If you are fairly new device running iOS such as iPhone 5 or iPad 4, you can be sure you will get all the benefits of iOS 7 when they finally come to the end user . However, if you are in possession of something a little more, well, mature iDevice range, it is likely that some of these treasures and new subtleties and run iOS 7 again, mostly mostly due to the lack of hardware support.

With iOS 7 is just announced, it stands to reason that those of you on the old iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will be curious as to the functions that they will see the launch of the software update this fall, and the The boys over at Apple Lounge is a visual representation of what iOS but 7 will offer you and your team provided.

Apple played the same game when it released Siri with iOS 5, suggesting that the iPhone 4S was the only device able to run the voice recognition software. It makes sense, from a business standpoint, a Cupertino certain aspects to give a boost to consumers with the latest gadgets available on the list, but it's definitely a bit annoying if you do not want or need update.

However, the diagram shows following all the information you need in an easy to digest, which serves as a quick reference guide for anyone wondering what all iOS devices see 7 and will instead pay only one watered-down experience.

The new release of the air, which makes its way to iOS prove to be a success on the Mac, booking a luxury property with brand new iOS device. So the iPhone 5, iPhone 4, iPad and iPod touch 5th generation mini. Are we to believe that the iPhone 4S could deal with this new feature? Without a doubt, and while Apple claims the slightly larger brother, the iPhone 5 to be able to deliver the kind of experience airdrop designed, we can see through the bull.

Siri is available only for the devices listed above, as well as the iPhone 4S and the iPad 3, although Panorama works only on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, and the latest iPod.

The filters in the camera application, which basically Instagram for iOS devices only to be compatible with the iPhone 5 and iPod touch 5G, but the filters to the photos (for example, after applying the filter shot) to expand your iPhone 4 / 4S and iPad 3 quarters.

In general, I think some of them are left feeling a little disappointed, but so is the culture we live in whether you or I like it or not, these devices have a lifespan of one year, and after that, will You quickly begin reducing support as companies seek to drive consumers into buying new devices. Ching!

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