The smartphone industry is gradually, beating to users outside of the producers of independent brands of cameras, with some of the biggest names in photography space needed to develop new strategies to adapt to the changing face of technology. Just look impressive 41 megapixel Nokia Lumia 1020 to realize how much we appreciate this lens on the back of our phones today, and in an attempt to capitalize on the smartphone snappers obsession with high quality, Sony is preparing an attack lens for both Android and Apple phones .

While companies such as Nikon and Canon are obviously careful with the upward trend of snappers smartphone, Sony is in the fortunate position of being known for their cameras and their smartphone, and although the latter seems to be struggling sea Samsung models available, this attachment lens could find a real niche among the many brand mobile users.

Reports have suggested the union of recent camera Carl Zeiss lens, which contains a 20.2 megapixel sensor, of course, was in development, and now, the photos released for the press seem to confirm this. It connects to your smartphone via Wi-Fi or ordinary NFC, and as you will see, it makes the device looks every bit of digital SLR camera:

The scoop on this comes courtesy of SonyAlphaRumors, and according to the report of the blog, the lenses that you see in the images are models-DSC and DSC-QX100 QX10. Unlike traditional lenses, "camera lens" for Sony installation of a sensor, BIONZ processor, and a slot for SD cards, as quoted Wi-Fi and NFC. Although there is no direct screen, the screen of your smartphone will feature a preview of the image as well as a lot of controls to enhance the experience of recovery takes.

The lenses are said to be coming in, and the craze for high-end photography that shows few signs of slowing down, there could be a strong demand for this type of product.

The companion application is available for both iOS and Android, so very few will miss out on that front, and hey, if you happen to be a fan of Windows Phone, the Lumia is not always 1020!

There are no details on price yet, but I hope that this detail upwards of $ 500. We will keep you informed of all the details, so stay tuned.

(Source: SonyAlphaRumors)

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