We heard through the grapevine that Windows 8.1 RTM was completed, and now, last week started the process. New devices and machines with Windows 8.1 will be available from 18 October, with manufacturers licenses for the software that was pre-installed issued, everything seems to function on schedule properly.

Every time Microsoft is on the cusp of a new version of Windows, there are always a number of things, but since Windows 8.1, which was reduced to one year after Windows 8 is a less drastic change in the light of the new provision of the company to release cycles, there seems to be a lot of dialogue between the Redmond company and millions of users have been. No doubt, with the return of the Start button a topic of much relief for many Windows users, the release date in October can not come soon enough, and IFA in Berlin configured to display a series of new Windows 8.1 devices again , Microsoft anticipate strong adoption rates again.

Because, you see, while Windows 8 much criticism - partly due to the Start button and restored - the number of people finding it was still fairly high, and although the installation rate virtually identical to Windows 7 was not significantly improve the company expects , Windows 8.1, with favorable changes and improvements, have the ability to resolve this.

As I picked up some time ago, those already on Windows 8 offering a free upgrade, and with a little more than six weeks between now and then, it will not be long before users can meet the Start button. Officially Besides these, some other important features, including a lot of new applications - especially Internet Explorer 11 - Most versatile hardware support and a set home screen considerably.

Although the official release date is scheduled on October 18, we probably could get to the Windows Store, the day before, on 17 October. Windows 8.1 Whatever the case, we will, as always, all the important details regarding the update when they arrive, so be sure to stay tuned to our coverage here in Redmond Pie!

We also recommend you visit:

Windows 8.1 Changes: This is what's new

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