Cables are not sexy technology . So it's no surprise that the innovations and developments in the cables that allow home entertainment both tend to fly under the radar for the average consumer . But HDMI 2.0 is a little different , because its introduction is strongly linked to the promotion of the Ultra HD or 4K TVs. With Panasonic and Sony launched their latest 4K/Ultra HD TVs at IFA 2013 this week , HDMI 2.0 gave much lip service . As a result , even consumers who do not have the new generation of TVs are starting to ask questions : Do I have to buy new cables? Is it different connector ? How long will it take for my HDMI equipment is outdated ?

Here's the short answer : You have nothing to fear. You have nothing to do , because even HDMI 2.0 opens a new world of possibilities on TV, nothing changes on the cables or connectors . Here's everything you need to know about HDMI 2.0 .

You can thank Ultra HD 4K

HDMI 2.0 is the successor to 1.4a / b HDMI today most of us use the standard works well , why change ? The main reason is that 4K Ultra HD TVs require more bandwidth to fulfill their potential. Since 4K Ultra HD is four times the resolution of 1080p , the current standard of HD , means that there is a need for more performance additional data that come and go deal . There is much more .
HDMI 1.4 can 4K resolutions , yes , but they only support 24 or 30 frames per second . That works fine for movies , but it is of no use for games and many television programs 50 or 60 frames per second . Also HDMI 1.4 4K content limits Ultra HD 8 - bit color , but is capable of 10 or 12 bit color . HDMI 2.0 solves all that , as it can handle up to 18 gigabits per second. That's enough for 12 - bit color video is at 60 frames per second. But wait , there's more!

Get ready  crazy Dolby surround sound 

HDMI 2.0 can handle 32 channels of uncompressed audio . If that sounds like an exaggeration , well ... could be for some. But do not tell the guys at Dolby . The latest Dolby surround sound format Atmos is capable of 64 channels of surround sound in cinemas . Expand to 32 channels (or less ) for a homemade version of Dolby Atmos is now within reach . And we are working on something that Dolby exactly . On good authority Yet your ears excited? They should.

Do not pull HDMI cables

As mentioned above , HDMI 2.0 does not change over the size , shape, or wiring HDMI cables. Have to end devices that are compatible with HDMI 2.0 are existing cables work fine . And as HDMI 2.0 is compatible with previous versions of HDMI , you can connect your Blu - ray of age and / or A / V receiver to a new HDMI 2.0 equipped 4K Ultra HD without any problem .

Soon you'll be less remotes

While you do not need to pull your HDMI cables in the trash , you may soon be able to have a remote control burning party (actually , that sounds toxic and irresponsible . Maybe just put a shot instead ) . If you are not familiar with CCA , is a protocol that allows a device is connected to another control , and vice versa . That 's why you can often control the Blu - ray with the TV remote control , even though they come from different brands. However , the application of the CEC has always been to the manufacturer , sometimes you give and sometimes not. No more "sometimes" people . With HDMI 2.0, there are rules that the inclusion of certain control functions. Very soon , a remote control can be a lot more devices , and whip operate without an encyclopedia of remote control codes and punch four digits in many combinations of buttons. Does not that sound good ?

HDMI cable for some, HDMI 2.0 is only a download away

When Sony announced their new 4K TVs at IFA 2013 , was also announced that most of its existing 4K games can be upgraded to HDMI 2.0 in late 2013 through a simple firmware update . Just download the update and install the TV shows . And if Sony can do it, that means you probably party too. We will in time that manufacturers and devices that can make a simple firmware update process, but it's good to know that an update will not always lead to a technician screwdriver or expensive .
What can you do ?
All bandwidth opens up many possibilities . The forum says HDMI HDMI 2.0 allows simultaneous delivery of dual video streams for multiple users on the same screen is possible - just imagine what they could do video games ! Moreover, hardcore cinephiles happy to know that this latest version supports 21:09 aspect ratios , so you can probably expect more ultra large TVs soon see .
There you have it . It's a brave new world HDMI 2.0 and do not need to do to enjoy its benefits. Well ... except maybe buy a very expensive 4K Ultra HD TV and wait for the emission and other things like that . Still, it is good to know that we will be adopted without at least a few years gut and replace home entertainment systems . Unless , of course , HDbaseT takes off

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