Google seems a licensing agreement with Nestlé wanted to have reached to the name. " KitKat " the next version of Android used Although the announcement of the name by Sundar Pichai of Google this morning shook immediate wave of reactions , seems to go beyond just a name .

If you visit Google ' on Android " page , you will see a full - on Kit Kat bar (the company uses" Kit Kat " , not " KitKat "to describe the candy ) with Android - theme packs a link. to " see what you've won ' leading to the American zone for Kit Kat bars . This is a very odd couple for a technology company and a company of candy.

We have come to Google for more information about what exactly is the deal here , and confirmed that there is no exchange of money between the two companies . Apparently it is a cross - promotion agreement as equals .

The contest runs Google Nexus 7 Play vouchers and credit participants Kit Kat bars . Android will also be a number of bars so real in some markets .

Interestingly, the Android - site link takes you to the Hershey website , although Nestle makes Kit Kat bars in most of the world . This stems from an old license agreement between Hershey and Rowntree ( which was acquired by Nestlé ) , which Hershey possibility of licensing the name of the Kit Kat in the U.S. maintains This has led to much confusion about whether Hershey and Nestle 's behind the agreement .

A BBC report quoted today John Lager Ling , director of Android global partnerships saying that " this is not a form of money that changes hands - agreement " and that he is about to do something fun and unexpected . Lower Ling also says that previously considered Key Lime Pie was vetoed because they felt that many people may not know what it tastes like key lime pie .

" One of the snacks that we keep for encoding are KitKats night in our kitchen and someone said . " Hey , why do not we call the release KitKat ?
" We do not even know what the controlled company name , and we think [ the elections ] would be difficult. But why not think about it and decided to reach people of Nestle " .
Mr. Lager Ling said he had made a " cold call " the exchange of advertising Nestlé UK in late November to establish the alliance.
The next day , the Swiss company invited him to participate in a conference call. Nestle confirmed the agreement just 24 hours later .
" Frankly , we decided to say when we will do it , " Patrice Bula , Nestle 's marketing chief told the BBC .

The obvious benefits for Google are massive exposure in convenience stores and supermarkets . While Android devices large and small Kit Kat bear the nickname , resulting in a series of increasing brand awareness for the candy maker .

That said , Google is a company fueled by advertisers and brands. No matter what the intentions you have the products 'large' ( he does and has ) make their motivation with regard to balance the privacy of the users and profitability will always be in the forefront of discussions on Android . I 'm not so sure that's a great idea for a company like that playing with this kind of cross- promotion rarity . But what do I know I 'm only one line of data matrix targeting an advertiser .

Nestlé will produce more than 50 million of those aforementioned Kit Kat bars with Android mascot on them . Most Google employees apparently only heard the news once the statue was presented at Google HQ . The statue ? A giant Android mascot makes a Kit Kat bar .

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