Your options for PC games There are two ways to play hardcore fun . The first , of course, is a PC game . There are several companies that make great names Alienware, Falcon Northwest, Velocity Micro and iBUYPOWER . All these companies together large computers for games, but you pay a premium for them. You can pay anywhere from two thousand dollars and ten thousand more . Why so many? First, because they use high-quality components and secondly , you are buying a brand.

This brings us to the second way to get into playing hard , building his own PC . The truth is that you can build exactly the same teams who build this game software companies , for less money. The problem with building your own , however , is that you have some basic knowledge , and you have to do the research.

Motherboard and processor

To learn how to build a gaming PC , you should know what to look for while shopping for parts. You should familiarize yourself with various terms such as " front side bus " " socket" " chipset " and " HSF " ( heatsink / fan ) yourself. Let's start at the core and find an exit in the event that the budget is not a factor. We start with the processor. You must decide whether Intel or AMD , the two main processor (CPU ) manufacturers are going . Read worldwide , especially user reviews , to base your choice will give good information about what. The choice of processor chipset also determines your choice.

If you go with AMD , they will look at a number of chipsets for AMD 770 AMD 890FX . On the Intel side , you have to go with a P55 or X58 . Chipset and the need to be compatible processor and you should do some research here . As an example , we will build a top of the line Intel series , because that's what most PC games companies are dealing with these days .

The use of our processor X58 i7 980X , want a motherboard that complement the processor to choose - you can choose any X58 motherboard . With teams play, the key is high - end components that require the requirement that modern games , otherwise , you can handle the replacement of parts at any given time . Now , there is some bias opinion when it comes to who makes the best motherboards , but it would be with a card ASUS , EVGA , Gigabyte and MSI . Pretty sure those are some of the most common tips found in gaming systems , but there are other good ones too .

They have come to RAM

Then you want to get RAM. The things you are looking for here are the number of gigabytes you want and the speed of the RAM . For 64 - bit operating systems ( where you want , by the way) , 4 GB of RAM is probably enough , but it is recommended that at least 6 GB or 8 GB. You definitely want to go with DDR3 , and varies in speed from 800 to 2133MHz . 1333-1600 MHz speeds are very common, but if you go to higher speeds within your budget , you will be happier with the result. Remember you want to make sure that the motherboard can handle the same memory bus speeds at these speeds or bottlenecks will be the lowest speed of the two . Also, like everything else , you want high - to get from manufacturers such as Corsair , Kingston , OCZ , etc. final report

Other specification of RAM you want to consider is the CAS latency . CAS Latency is the time required to access and process information about RAM . 5 is common for memory quite reasonable , however, the extremely fast 2.5 CAS Latency is a better choice , as almost twice as expensive . You also want to consider RAM channels . For a gaming platform , operating 6GB ( 3x2GB Modules ) DDR3 1600 ( PC3 - 10700 ) in triple channel with a CAS latency of 2.5 is an excellent choice.

GPUs , the visual experience

Graphics cards are the most important muscle in a PC game . The main contenders are Nvidia and ATI ( AMD , which is actually 2007 ) . What do you usually go with a preference. There are fans of both parties who will tell you why one is better than the other, but the end result is that you have something that you play all your games in the highest graphics settings with high frame rates you want it . The main thing I want to see is the version of DirectX support. The reason is that if you have a game that only DX 11 card supports features and use only until 9 or 10, you will have to upgrade to be able to perform these functions. In some cases, you may not be able to play at all without an update . For our example , we deal with the current top of the line card , the ATI Radeon HD 5970 .

Dual graphics cards are very common in gaming computers , but not necessary if you have a pretty unique card. SLI and CrossFireX , naturally , play , now running simultaneously 2-4 cards, but they buy many tickets are expensive. Improve the game if that's the route you want to go , you also need a motherboard that this provision, which is to handle expensive. One with 3 or more slots for graphics cards is the best , so you can space the two cards. If they are next to each other you may have heat problems . There may be problems with SLI systems / Crossfire space, so it's best to get a full size tower .
everything else

Once you have dealt with graphics you want a good hard drive. Make sure you use a Sata 3 or 6 if your board supports . No reason to run a Sata 1.5 , half the rate of a third. Western Digital , Seagate and Samsung make some of the best , but there are some others. Western Digital VelociRaptor 10,000 RPM will give you , which is much faster than the typical standard 7,200 RPM . It is faster and you probably want to go with a SSD ( solid state drive ) . SSDs are fast but quite expensive and there have been some problems with them . If, for example , had a couple of Western Digital Velociraptor 600GB .

Next on the list is an optical drive or two - and you can go as fancy as you want with that. As the technology is moving to Blu - ray , we will outline some of 10X Blu - ray- RW , DVD + / - RW combo set the example . Tying it all together and power tower . The towers are generally a preference. The cheap ones will probably work, but the most expensive will be provided in functions such as the ability to hide . Your cables They also tend to look better. Just pick one you like and fit your hardware. Medium sized towers are compact, but may have problems in SLI / Crossfire , so you can go with the full size tower . We will have a full - size put in the example to provide adequate space for updates to get up later .

For a meal that just wants to make sure it is robust enough for your PC, monitor and anything that is connected to it without its own power source easy to cover . The example we construct is likely to require at least one 750 watt PSU . If we do it in the road, a Crossfire board and add other things like liquid cooling , cold cathode lamps , front LCD screen bay fan controller , multi - screens and overclocking , we supply power accordingly. Do not skimp on the food as it is not worth risking your hardware.

And it

There you have it - build a PC game in a nutshell. Obviously , you get a monitor, keyboard and mouse such. Peripherals you Because it is pure preference , we will not get into them , only what suits your style . As a brief summary, get what you want , but look at the key compatibility issues we said. All that remains after that is to join and enjoy.

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