Index your blog in just 5 minutes!

Ohh , is this possible? How?

Yes! 100 % is possible, but some especially novice blogger bloggers are not aware about this method . if you think I 'm going to share some tips on link building , etc parts , then you are wrong . there is no need for link building , commenting on blogs and join senior forum. However, it is important to increase your blogs SERP (Search Engine Result Page) , for indexing your blog , you do not have to worry . your new blog to be indexed in search Google in just 5 minutes. yes, I know you are crazy to know that how it is possible : D follow me.

Here we go ..
I've posted on . Article on his new blog So if you do not know about this, then you can learn from there , and if you have created your new blog , first , go to Google Webmaster Tools then your map blogs ( more blogs about how your sitemap to Google webmaster tools)
After submitting sitemap to your blog , go to Google Webmaster Tools > Dashboard> Choose your blog > Crawl >  Fetch as Google .
That's it! Now just wait 5 minutes, then your blog will live in the Google search engine . I tried on my new blog and it works like charm ;)
Do not try if your blog is already indexed in Google search . Blog is for Index Server not to increase your blogs SERP (Search Engine Result Page) However, you can use this tool to quickly index your new post in the Google search engine . but there are a number of limitations . you can learn from here : What is the Fetch as Google in Google Webmaster Tools

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