MSDN and TechNet Windows 8.1 users can now download official RTM bits. It is fair to say that , in terms of new releases of Windows go , Windows 8 was not the most well received . With many user reviews dismayed at the extent of the changes , Microsoft has recently returned to the drawing board , holding a number of new implementations while offering a bit more insight into the procedure .

The drastic change from the traditional home button is perhaps the most talked about feature of the party, and although it is quite small in the grand scheme of the Microsoft operating system , many users had drawn feel like the proverbial rug out from under them when the function in the long term rather unceremoniously retired.

Not long ago we heard that Windows 8.1 was officially RTM , but now it actually has thrown the two tied to the development networks . Initially , the Redmond insisted on TechNet and MSDN subscribers would not be seeing the version before the official release of 18 October - a decision that sparked a large protest .

Bowing to the pressure , and not for the first time , Microsoft backup - follow to keep happy to developers . To be honest, the original plan to hold back until later RTM would probably be at the expense of general operating system - a point repeated continuously by the developers of discomfort .

In addition to the release of the RTM , Microsoft also said that even changes in Windows 8.1 at this stage , despite the limitations of time means nothing too serious happens , the final push to the finishing touches will be attributable to the applicable initial decision to implement the early release of MSDN and TechNet .

The Windows 8.1 official release date for the general public is scheduled for October 18 , many new and exciting features. It will be a completely free upgrade for those who already have a machine or device is capable Windows 8 fluctuate , and is the second installment of a continuous connection with the annual release cycle .

We will keep you informed of any changes as we find them interesting, so stay tuned !

We also recommend you visit:

From Windows 8.1 Changes: This is what's new

New Features and Fixes Windows 8.1 Microsoft has announced

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