Want to try Android on your Windows machine , you get a sample of the latest version of Android for testing or pleasure, or even to develop applications for Android ? Whatever your needs may be , this is how you can try the latest Android in Windows .

If Android is a mobile technology platform open source , which means that anyone can access images or system code of AOSP (Android Open Source Project) . And that's what you need to run Windows virtually Android .

 Android can be easily virtualized Windows PC . It's as easy as downloading a number of tools , installation, configuration and run . What you need is the appropriate procedure that we will display here , along with some solutions to common problems to solve .

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Note: This tutorial is written for Jelly Bean Android 4.2.2 virtualize with 64 - bit Android SDK package runs on Windows 8, but the steps will be similar for other version of Android, or Windows architecture or release .

Let's start by looking through the requirements to run Android in a virtual environment .

Windows PC : a computer with XP or a later version of Windows operating system will work fine , ie XP , Vista, 7 , 8, or later.

Java : Java 6 or later must be installed on the computer , higher, as it is required by the Android SDK Bundle . Install the latest version of Java for the platform.

It requires the latest version of Android SDK package : Android SDK Bundle . Download and extract the file to a folder. You will see a folder named " adt - package - windows - ... " This directory is known as the " Android SDK Folder" for the rest of this tutorial. It contains two folders called " Eclipse " and " SDK" and a file called "SDK Manager.exe " .

Android SDK packages : . Open "SDK Manager.exe " in the Android SDK folder check " Android 4.2.2 (API 17 )" in the SDK Manager . This gives the required packages with Android SDK in a virtualized environment .

Note : You can reduce unnecessary discharge unchecking sub - package version of Android. Click the expansion button ( > ) next to the Android version . View just this sub - packages:

  • Platform SDK
  • V7A ARM EABI system image
  • Google APIs.

Click Install Packages ... to download and install the necessary packages .

Start And Run Android virtual device

It's time to create your first virtual Android device .

Open "SDK Manager.exe " in the Android SDK folder . Go to Tools > Manage AVDS . This opens the Android Virtual Device Manager .

Click the New button ... ( Top right ) and you the Create new Android Virtual Device ( AVD ) to see the window. Sets the new AVD in accordance with the following settings :

  • AVD Name : Any name
  • Device: Galaxy Nexus ( 4.65 " , 720 x 1280 : xhdpi )
  • Purpose : Android 4.2.2 - API Level 17
  • CPU / ABI : ARM ( armeabi - V7A )
  • Keyboard: Tested
  • Skin: Proven
  • Front Camera : No
  • Back camera: No
  • Memory Options - RAM: 768
  • Memory Options - VM Heap: 32
  • Internal storage : 200 MiB
  • SD card - Size : 500 MiB
  • Emulation Options - Snapshot : Off
  • Emulation Options - Use Host GPU : Off

You can view the list of existing AVDS AVD Manager . Congratulations on making your first Android Virtual Device !

To start this , select the AVD in the AVD Manager . Click Start , click Start. Wait for the start and then enjoy.

And there you have Android running on your Windows PC . 'Go Click around and get an idea of ​​the Android interface ( if this is your first time) before moving on to the next section to test Android apps .

Install App In AVD
While Google Play Store is the primary source of Android apps , unfortunately , not in the Android Virtual Device ( AVD ) . However, there is a method to install the AVD with Android Debug Bridge (ADB ) applications. It will also show you how to remove . PUA

Installing an application
Let's run through the steps necessary to install an application. We use the Mini UC Browser as an example .

With AVD running , download the apk file to UC Browser Mini zoom applications (search for your application , open the page for your application from the search results , click the Download tab on the open page , and click click the option directly Download APK file ) .

Copy the downloaded file to "folder \ sdk \ Android SDK Platform -tools " .

Open the command prompt from the Start menu or the screen and enter :

cd <Android SDK Folder file path>\sdk\platform-tools

For example , the Android SDK folder on our test equipment is in " D : \ and \ adt - lightning " , says the command " cd D : \ and \ adt - Bundle \ sdk \ Platform -tools " .

Type " adb start - server " at the prompt. It should inform the daemon started successfully .

Type " adb devices" at the prompt. It should be reported as " emulator " a connected device. If no device is reported , then you have not started the AVD. Reboot, wait for the Android home screen and re - type " adb - devices " at the prompt.

Type " adb install < APK < File" in the indicator after replacing < APK < File with the name . Apk ( Android application ) to be installed on the AVD. Eg . Apk in our test system was initially named " ucb - mini.apk " adb install command reads UCB - mini.apk .

Wait while pushing ADB apk file on AVD and installs it. It may take some time depending on the size of the application being installed. When the installation is complete , you must tell success.

Remove an application
Within the DSA , go to Settings and then downloaded the application launcher, go to Programs> . Click the application you want to delete, then click Delete . Click OK to confirm rather than wait . That's it.

Finally, here are some of the problems that can arise and the suggested solutions .

Internet does not work in AVD.
Check that your firewall or Internet security program is blocking access to the Internet for a program called " emulator - arm.exe " .

You no more than 768MiB of RAM for the AVD.
AVD adjustment greater than 768MiB RAM for Windows will not crash the AVD - memory allocation necessary due to the limitations of the platform. Choose up to 768MiB accidents if you experience problems or errors.

AVD is running too slow or freezes
Running the latest Android versions 768MiB RAM can take it easy . In addition , the slower you have many apps installed become the AVD. If you need a fast and responsive AVD , then create a new AVD with a previous version of Android (Android 4.0 ICS or earlier work best ) .

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