The fierce competition in the mobile industry is however a clear victory for consumers is particularly angry that the choice of the product is almost always determined by the region in which you reside . Some countries seem all lucky sometimes (shown in the U.S.) , but with the OEMs in Asia continue to monitor , more and more devices built with the exclusivity of the likes of Japan , Korea and China, large parts of the smartphone market . The Samsung Galaxy J , which has just been introduced in Japan, like the Galaxy S4 , which is given a dramatic increase in the specifications of what was supposed to be, or at least what we thought was the " new " flagship .

The Samsung Galaxy S4 may have been only a few months , but compared to the Galaxy J , which already feels outdated . The device resembles the Galaxy Note 3 specifications weighed on a smaller scale , address , S4 in shape and with 3 GB RAM , 800 Snapdragon processor and 32GB of storage, who are looking for what they thought was his power, pride - S4 and joy now feels a little shade .

Of course , there are one or two offsets given by packing all that power to a device of similar size . Of course , the device weighs 146g slightly heavier , but if you look beaten to the hardware , I think we can assume that most, if not all current Galaxy S4 owners safely would like to take that extra bit of wood in exchange for added energy .

If vanity is more than just a focal specifications , you will be disheartened to learn that the Galaxy J comes in two colors never seen before. The Coral Pink and Lapis blue combinations are definitely on different ends of the spectrum , but if you ever wish Galaxy S4 had a bit more power to an ally outside the original Galaxy J should serve as a slap in the face square.

Does the unit make it to the Western market ? Probably not , but although both colors would be , say, an acquired taste, no doubt that the Galaxy J is still selling quite well , as did Samsung parts .

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